Monday, February 15, 2010

Soul Food in the "Karma Kitchen".

The kitchen- a.k.a. the meeting/meating spot; the eating/grazing spot; the drinking/sipping spot or the intimate conversations spot. In my kitchen one may find a medley of cast iron skillets, griddles, copper pans, sheet pans and mixing bowls. My cupboards are chalked full of seasonings, special blends of herbs from far way places that cooking pals send my way. My sink has fresh Kale and Collard Greens soaking in cold water. My cabinets are delicately stuffed with various wine glasses, tumblers, aperitif glasses, martini glasses from the sixties and a handy set of mugs that can readily become a frosty vessel for a cold beer. Assorted Knives line the kitchen window with various rocks and shells from all over the world- that remind me of foreign travels and renegade culinary tales.
My adoration for vintage china and linens has greatly contributed to my over stocked and unorganized cabinets. Tucked away on tiny shelves are pictures of me in my twenties adorned in chef ware-posing with Hollywood icons. Cookbooks line the shelves with random recipes scribbled on paper and shoved amuck. I am lucky when my children are in my kitchen mixing up a surprise dish that may or may not taste good but it forever leaves a lasting impression of little creative minds at work. My kitchen is a living symbiosis- a real one of a kind place to transform your thoughts and worries into a pot of healing soup, magical thought provoking meats that have been brined in not only salty water but loving tender thoughts of goodness and healthy well-being. My kitchen is a soul-kitchen full of generations of wisdom and love. The love that I put into my food is reminiscent of the karma that I hope to receive from the universe for being a generous, loving and thoughtful cook. The Karma Kitchen’s number one rule is: “Start with love and end with love”.

I live to eat food, make food, share food, watch my loved one’s eat food and most of all I honor the living spirit in all food that gives itself so generously to us every day for our own sustenance and livelihood. There are many avenues one can explore in the fascinating world of culinary arts, kitchens, cookbooks, restaurants and chefs. Yet, maybe all it takes is a look around your own kitchen to conjure a up a bit of nostalgia soup for your soul.

What’s the best memory you have of your kitchen?
What’s your favorite cooking vessel or utensil?
Do you have anything from your grandparent’s kitchen? If so what?
What’s your favorite cookbook?
What’s your favorite meal to prepare in your kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. I have all of my grandmothers vintage Fiesta and only cook in her dutch oven.circa : 1940's-ish...and everytime I turn on my gas stove...the click click click and the smell of flame light take me right back to their kitchen in Louisiana!Pour l'amour de famille!
